Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Decades of research has supported Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as an effective treatment for anxiety- and mood-related issues. It is safe to say that medication management is the only other intervention with as much empirical support. Individuals with anxiety experience negative thoughts about themselves and their environments, which results in avoidance of both stressful situations and enjoyable activities. CBT begins by helping an individual learn what is happening in their bodies when they are anxious or sad. It then teaches them how to challenge negative thoughts and expectations. Finally, it sets up experiments where the individual confronts feared situations or approaches previously enjoyable situations, allowing them to learn that they are capable of handling the outcome that arises.

While CBT begins in a therapist’s office, the goal is for skills to be practiced at home and in the community. At times it may be necessary for the therapist to travel to these settings in order to support an individual in using the skills.

To schedule an intake, contact us at or 857-400-9211.

In addition to standard CBT, we offer modifications of CBT to target specific problems, including: